United Women of Faith

Monthly meetings – These meetings generally include dessert, a presentation from a local or international mission (recent projects have included human trafficking and local Christian rehab centers), and the business of the group.  Contact the church office for more information.



The Boomers take many opportunities throughout the year for times of fellowship.  From attending sporting events, throwing a chili cook off, and enjoying the biggest football game of the year together are just a few of the ways they connect outside of Bible Study and worship.



Short-term Studies

We offer short-term studies, seasonal and topic specific, throughout the year.  Some examples of those are Financial Peace University, Lay Academy, Lenten and Advent studies, The Chosen study, and GriefShare™.

Sunday Morning Small Groups

“Followship” Sunday School Class  – Conference Room 102

- This class is multi-generational, and often consists of people ages 35-80, although we always welcome young people. Generally, our class consists of 10-15 people. We tend to focus on studies that relate to how we as Christians can live a more Godly life in our modern-day society.

- Leader: Vickie Stevens


Inter-generational Group “Gatekeepers” – Parlor

- If you are looking for an inter-generational Sunday school class then come to the Parlor. This class is an easy-going, multi-generational, discussion-based class. We like to dig in deep to scripture and thus often move slowly through a curriculum.  

- Leader: Becky Nelson


Boomers – Meeting in-person & via Zoom™ Upstairs Room 605

If you are still working or recently retired, empty-nested or caring for your parents—in other words, if you are a Baby Boomer—this class is for you.  They do several activities throughout the year from chili & soup cook-offs to baseball games and their own version of the Olympics. 

Leader: Jim Smith


Moving Forward– Room 112

- This wonderful group of women meets, prays for each other, talks about a book of interest to widows, and would love to have you come and join!


Other Adult Classes and Groups


Ladies Bible Study – Wednesdays @ 5:30pm (September to May)

This group of ladies supports each other through study, prayer, and friendship.  You are welcome even if you do not worship with us on Sunday mornings.  Leader: Bev Toth


Lunch 'n' Learn - Every other Monday @ 11:30am

Bring your own lunch, enjoy each other's company, and learn from each other while discussing teachings from a group selected study. 

Leader: Bev Radeline


Men’s Group – Mondays at 6:30 p.m.

The group gets together at Michael’s Italian Restaurant in Elkhart for dinner and fellowship.  There is always room for one more.  Join them at the table.


Life Groups

We have multiple small groups that meet throughout the week in-person and via Zoom™.  Contact the church office or Pastor John to help you find the right fit.